Showing posts with label belt lipectomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label belt lipectomy. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cellulite - Cottage Cheese Thighs

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Cellulite (Gynoid lipodystrophy in medical jargon) is the only word we have to describe the uneven pitted surface or dimpling of the skin commonly seen on the thighs of women. The appearance often is described to resemble the surface of an orange peel or that of cottage cheese. The term cellulite was first used by Alquin and Pavot in France to describe this condition. It is common in women, rarely seen in men and begins at various ages depending on body habitus, genetic makeup, etc. Most middle aged women have it. The remainder thinks they have it. As sure as a woman will grow breasts after puberty, she will get dimples and lumps on her skin. Cellulite affects only the buttocks, thighs and legs to about four inches above the knees. I see many patients requesting correction of their cellulite and an equal number of proposed treatments. These include aminophylline wraps, liposuction, liposuction with forked metal tubes to cut fascial strands to the skin and combinations of liposuction with lasers. None are truly effective.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

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Since the beginning of Plastic Surgery as a modern specialty, around World War I, Plastic Surgeons have been consulted to close wounds. In these cases the wound edges could not just be pulled together and sutured because of tissue deficiencies. At that time Plastic Surgeons would raise tubes of tissue (fat and skin) and slowly after multiple operations advance those tubes into the wounds in order to achieve closure.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Abdominoplasty, thigh buttock lift and belt lipectomy

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Abdominoplasty - Tummy Tuck

Thigh Buttock Lift - Belt Lipectomy (mostly for patients after massive weight loss or bariatric surgery, gastric bypass etc.)

Abdominoplasty for excess skin and fat and loose muscle
Abdominoplasty for excess skin
Abdominoplasty after weight loss
Belt lipectomy 1
Belt lipectomy 2

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